Sunday, September 7, 2008


Well, I'm just itching to write something. The boys are all gone. The house is quiet. The dog smells less horrid than yesterday. (He got his tail handed to him by a skunk.) And I can't think of a thing to say.

Live-blogging my life right now would put an entire classroom of ADHD kids to sleep.
Took a sip of rootbeer.
Stared at keyboard.
Stared at monitor.
Repeated steps one through three.
Who was it that emailed me to ask why I haven't been blogging lately? Wes? Naomi? Sorry now, eh?


Wes said...

I asked, but Naomi might have also.
If you're itching to write something and nothing comes to mind, hmmm, got nothing. Don't feel compelled to say something if you got nothing to say. Don't stress and we can wait.


inklenaomi said...

ROOTBEER? the kids were gone, the dog won't tell. Nothing less than 3 shots of espresso in a coffee drink will get me started before noon. This was before noon, right?
