Thursday, October 11, 2007

If I Had A Very Young Daughter, I Would Demand A Pre-arranged Marriage

I got out of my car in the Target parking lot today and heard a young voice say, "Hey, you know what?" I looked over, and across an open parking space was a mom and three very young children piling out of a mini-van. The oldest child, a boy, appeared to be about four years old. Maybe younger. It was this young lad who tossed the question at me.
Your car is kinda....
Yeah, and your tires look low too.
In twelve more years, this fine young man will be not only filling his mom's car with gas for her, but he'll be checking the oil, changing the air filter, filling the windshield washer fluid, and rotating the tires.

The mom gave me an apologetic look. I felt like giving her my name and number and asking her to let me know when he opens his own service station.


Unknown said...

I just had an acid flashback, if only I had ever done acid that is.... as a lad, from probably 15 years old, one of my chores around the house (living in Phx.) was to schedule a Saturday and change oil, wash and vacuum out all the cars at our house. Now, this was not just my dad's car, my mom's car and my dad's company car, this included BOTH of the youngest sister's cars while they lived at home. Five cars, about 4 times a year. Turned into SIX when I finally got my license and car. Taught me alot tho, plus it was good quality time with my pop when he'd come out to see how I was doing and lend a hand once in awhile. The sisters were actually gracious enough once in awhile to let me use their cars on dates, much nicer than the pile I was driving.

Unknown said...

Oh yeah, needless to say, I pay someone else to change oil now. No thank you.

Anonymous said...

Wait, let me guess, you're so cold up there, your computer froze up completely and/or your fingers are too stiff from the cold to be able to do more than hunt and peck on the keyboard.

guess who?

Guitarman said...

I probably would have said something like this. If it bothers you then maybe you like to wash it for me then!