Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Chicken Shit

Well, Chris, seeing as how you are the only one who reads this, I feel safe using a foul (ha!) word in the title. If my mother read this, I would no doubt have to substitue "manure" or "feces" or some other milder noun.

Pictured above is the giant mound of chicken manure (I just don't have it in me to be consistently crude) that I told you about in my earlier email. Truckload after truckload arrived one day to create this enormous, stinking pile. I thought once the hot weather had passed the odor would lessen, but as it turns out...a good soaking rain can do wonders to re-ignite the smell too. Thank goodness we live north of this organic pile of fertilizer; I'm sure our neighbors to the south have been omitting us from their prayers.

Hope all is well in AZ. Sorry to hear you were finally able to turn off the air conditioning.


Unknown said...

That's hilarious. I half expected to see a couple of kids playing in the "dirt pile"....

Guitarman said...

My Mom and Dad always said that the year they got truck load of Chicken manure....was the best garden they ever had. I bet the chicken growers think this is pretty neat too that people will take this 'stuff' off of thier hands. I'm related to Inkle mama by marriage and have a blog of my own. come visit sometime as I believe it is right up your alley.

Bike Bubba said...

Down South, they use that stuff as cattle feed after boiling it, according to U.S. News. So if you ever go there, and eat out at a steakhouse, you can make friends by...saying...

"Excuse me, I want to make sure my beef is the highest quality possible. Are your cattle fattened on chicken ****?"

They'll love you for it, I'm sure.