Friday, November 23, 2007

A Typical Conversation With The Governor

Just now...

"Mom, guess if I have the purple stick behind my back or not!"

Okay. Um... You do NOT.

"AH! You're right! Now guess again." He ran out of the room and returned.

Hmm...this time you DO have the stick.

GAH! How did you know?

I know all things.


I did not. Are you accusing me of cheating?

He looked down at his feet and then looked at me. "Well, Mom, I was just concerned you might be."

Happy Thanksgiving, Black Friday, etc..

I hope you and yours had a wonderful day yesterday. Mine was memorable primarily for the fact that a little more than an hour after finishing our meal, The Senator shook me awake and announced, "I'm hungry."

Hungry. And he still had whipped cream on his face from dessert. I guess the ham, potatoes, peas, spinach, pineapple, rolls, rice, and cheesecake were merely a warm-up. I felt the bile rise in my throat as I sat up straight and tried to focus on his face. I was pretty certain I wouldn't need to eat again until Sunday.

I didn't want to leave the couch, but he kept staring at me, just like the dog does when he wants something. So I got up and fixed him another plate of food.

I'm starting to feel ill just thinking of it.

In other memorable happenings, I screwed up the Camp family tradition of putting up the Christmas Tree on Black Friday. I sent The VP down to the cellar to get the artificial tree and the tubs of Christmas decorations. He came back upstairs with the tree box and said, "Is it supposed to be this light?"

Well, I suppose it IS supposed to be that light when there is nothing inside the box. The memory came slamming back: our tree was nine years old. It was in bad shape. It could no longer look forward to any sort of quality of life, so I put it out of its misery and tossed it in the dumpster. For some reason, I saved the box. I do not know why. I'm a tosser, not a saver. Toss now, regret later...that's my motto. Execpt for Christmas fauna, I guess.

The boys were all excited to decorate the tree today, and I feel just awful about letting them down. Not awful enough to brave the parking lots/shoppers at Target to get a new one, mine you. But still awful.

I think I will go console myself with leftover cheesecake.

Monday, November 19, 2007


The Governor was acting up today and after two requests to settle down, I looked at him rather sternly and said, "Am I going to have to start snapping your DVD's in half?"

He looked at me as if I had just confessed to drowning kittens and said, "You would do that to your own children?"

I had to walk away before I apologized.

Dear Anonymous

No, the fingers are not frozen. Just my brain. A shame, really, because there has been a wealth of blogging material as of late. The farmer who piled up the metric ton of chicken manure on our field recently excavated the enormous mound and spread it on the field.

I'm not sure the neighbors will ever forgive us.

Several other good stories involving The Governor and the local PTA are dying to be put forth as well, but unfortunately, I am already late for an appointment.

Good to hear from you. Have a great Thanksgiving!